Insurance Products

Cyber Breach Response

Long-standing partnerships with industry leading vendors and law firms within the cyber arena provide our insureds with preeminent expertise, enabling us to deliver expedited response and minimize impact on their business operations.

When a Cyber Event Happens

Our team of experts quickly identifies critical issues and guides each organization through a tailored response to meet legal and regulatory disclosure deadlines, limit fines, penalties and liability, and reduce reputational damage. Our insureds have access to hand-picked specialists who will guide each response in a professional and cost effective manner. 

  • A 24/7/365 hotline to report data breaches and other claims to ensure that appropriate actions begin immediately 
  • Top-tier breach counsel available from the outset and throughout the event lifecycle to advise insureds regarding necessary steps and compliance requirements under all applicable laws 
  • Access at preferred rates to established vendors and law firms to provide insureds with preeminent expertise in the areas of legal defense, computer forensics, credit monitoring, ID restoration and related service 
  • Access to ransomware and similar extortion response services, offering guidance from payment through decryption and reporting 

Responsive and Consistent Claims Handling

With rapidly evolving technology and new threats emerging on a regular basis, cyber claims can be ambiguous by definition. Cyber claims require more than just delivering efficient service, timely responses and fast and fair payment. Our dedicated cyber claims team works closely with insureds and preferred vendors to develop the optimal plan tailored for each claim event and provide consistent guidance throughout the event lifecycle. 

Our experienced claims team is a key differentiator with our clients and brokers, delivering value added expertise from client facing and technically proficient claims professionals. Our specialists have helped shape the cyber insurance market from inception and have a history of collaboration and open communication across a broad range of cyber claim events. It is this foundation that enables us to deliver expedited response and action critical to address each insured’s unique situation and reduce the impact on their business.