Sompo Pro offers a broad array of primary and excess liability coverage tailored to a range of professional services classes. Armed with broad underwriting authority, experienced in offering flexible and creative underwriting solutions, and adept at serving sophisticated operations with unique coverage needs, our U.S. and Canada team partners with select wholesale and retail professional liability brokers to monitor and address emerging trends in the industry and provide superior service to our clients.
Target Clients
We offer primary and excess coverage to the following target classes:
Premier Professional:
MPL, Tech E&O, Media Liability, Network Security & Privacy. Standalone or blended coverage for Cyber & Network Risk can include all liability and first party coverage including data breach expense, business interruption, contingent business interruption, digital asset loss and cyber extortion.
- Most non-licensed professional and technology service classes
- All network risk classes
- General consulting, real estate agents and brokers, property and construction managers
- Management, strategic, compliance and other business consultants
- Advertising agencies, market research organizations, document and information management services, graphic designers
Insurance Agents and Brokers
- Insurance agents and brokers, including MGAs and MGUs
- Third party administrators
- Employee benefits and pension plan administrators
- Loss control consultants and risk managers
Architects and Engineers
- Practice policies written on both primary or excess basis; project specific policies written on follow-form excess only;
- Coverage for architects, engineers, interior designers, landscape planners, agency construction managers;
- Broad appetite for other challenging classes of business such as structural, mechanical, civil and geotechnical engineering exposures;
- Industry leading Risk Management Services, Contract review, Business Consulting and Claims handling
Lawyers Professional
- Admitted and non-admitted coverage available for firms with five or more attorneys on a primary and excess basis
- Lead primary offered
Excess Form
- One page excess form for all professional liability and cyber classes
- Currently offered on an admitted basis in 48 states
- $25M in capacity across most products (actual deployed will vary by risk)
- $15M in capacity for Lawyers
- $10M in capacity Architects & Engineers
- Primary and excess attachments considered across all product lines
Coverages Features:
- Security/privacy coverage available across all forms
- Punitive damages with most favorable venue language where allowed by law
- True worldwide coverage
- Broad definition of covered services
- Flexible policy formats allow for manuscript language
- Media coverage inclusive of personal and proprietary rights injuries
- Favorable consent to settle clause
- Discrimination and dishonesty defense coverage
- Sompo Pro operates on an open brokerage platform through appointed retail and wholesale agents
- Primary Insurance Agents/Brokers currently offered through wholesale network only
Submission Requirements
- Standard professional liability applications and supplements (other carriers applications are acceptable)
- 5 years of currently valued carrier loss runs
- Copies of standard client contracts